If any of the following prohibition conditions below apply, we stop providing services. Please remind in advance that in such a case, the fee is not refunded. In some cases, we refuse to use our service from now on.
We are not responsible for any rapid bad health conditions during the services after eating ED medication.
We do not accept the following!
The heavily drunken person poses a problem for services.
The person who has, taken or uses drugs or similar.
The person who has infected the sexual disease, skin disease, or infectious diseases, or is suspected to have these.
Bringing in and using sex toys owned by yourself.
Voyeur (Sneak taking photos and videos).
Any violence to the lady, or the equivalent actions.
Enforcement of the acts the lady does not willing.
Demands for services exceed common sense.
Any direct negotiation or solicit to the companion during out-of-service hours without going through us.
The person in the same business as us (Including related parties) get our services or scout our ladies.